The Ukrainian Arbitration Association and UBA Students' League organized webinar with Noah Rubins
On 19 November 2014 the webinar on investment treaty arbitration, jointly organized by the Ukrainian Arbitration Association and UBA Students League, had being held. During the webinar Ukrainian students got a chance to speak to Noah Rubins, dispute resolution team partner in Paris office of Freshfields Bruckhause Deringer and also the head of worldwide Russia/CIS dispute resolution group. This webinar gathered more than 20 students and young lawyers, interested in the topic.
The lecture was quite informative and useful, and a lot of important questions were discussed: the questions of historical development of investment treaty arbitration, bilateral investment treaties, investor's status and other.
Anastasia Matviyets, the LL.M student and participant of the webinar, said: "The webinar with Mr. Rubins was extremely informative and easy to comprehend. Not every day you have such an amazing opportunity to discuss investment arbitration issues with Harvard graduate. Moreover, I see this initiative as a possibility for Ukrainian students, willing to study abroad, to choose their future expertise."
The Ukrainian Arbitration Association and UBA Students' League are sincerely grateful to Mr. Noah for participation.
Other webinars with foreign lawyers are coming soon!