UAA News

Ukraine as a seat of arbitration during the wartime

On, 24 September UAA together with UNBA and ArbCEE conducted the Webinar on Ukraine as a seat of arbitration during the wartime.

Basel Winter Arbitration School 2025 is inviting applications!

The Basel Winter Arbitration School will take place on 3-7 February 2025 at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel in Switzerland.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association submitted its proposals for changes to the legislation to the VRU Committee on Legal Policy

On 7 May 2024 Ukrainian Arbitration Association submitted to the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy its proposals for changes to the legislation, which, according to the arbitration community of Ukraine, will make Ukraine a better and more attractive place for arbitration and improve its investment attractiveness.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association introduces the position of Amicus Curiae Officer

Ukrainian Arbitration Association announces the introduction of the position of Amicus Curiae Officer within the Ukrainian Arbitration Association.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine committee hearing

On 27 March 2024 the UAA representatives Olena Perepelynska, Serhii Uvarov, Olexander Droug, Anna Guillard Sazhko, Oleksii Maslov and Krystyna Khripkova attended the committee hearing in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on legal policy.


With the UAA Arbitration Academy now successfully completed, we are thrilled to share our achievements!

Amici Curiae Brief to the Commercial Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court regarding case No. 910/8659/23

On 18 December 2023, the UAA working group submitted an opinion (Amicus Curiae Brief) collectively prepared by independent specialists to the Commercial Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court regarding case No. 910/8659/23.


Amicus Curiae Brief in case No. 910/3208/22

Meet the speakers of the UAA Arbitration Academy

UAA Arbitration Academy is starting next week! It’s time to learn more about our esteemed lecturers, so we have collected all relevant information in brochures on Module I and Module II for you!

Extension in the application deadline to the UAA Arbitration Academy

Exciting Update: Application deadline extended to 16th October 2023!

UAA Arbitration Academy Programme

We are truly inspired by the interest and feedback about the UAA Arbitration Academy we have received since our first announcement. We have further exciting news to share!

Basel Winter Arbitration School is inviting applications!

The Basel Winter Arbitration School will take place on 5-9 February 2024 at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel in Switzerland.

The 20th Anniversary Conference of the International Commercial Arbitration Law program

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to support the 20th Anniversary Conference of the International Commercial Arbitration Law program in Stockholm, Sweden on August 31 and September 1, 2023.


UAA is pleased to support the Baltic Arbitration Days which will take place on 11-12 June 2023 in Riga and Jurmala.

UAA updated its Brochure with the List of Arbitrators

Ukrainian Arbitration Association has revised and updated the Database of Arbitrators suitable to sit in Ukraine-related international arbitrations.

Basel Winter Arbitration School is inviting applications!

The Basel Winter Arbitration School will take place on 5-10 February 2023 at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel, Switzerland’s oldest university.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association signed a Memorandum of cooperation with ELSA Ukraine and ELSA Kyiv

We are pleased to announce that the Ukrainian Arbitration Association has signed a memorandum of cooperation with ELSA Ukraine and ELSA Kyiv!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Ukrainian Arbitration Association congratulates you with the upcoming holidays!

UAA celebrates its 10th anniversary!

In November, the Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA) celebrates its 10th anniversary.

UAA Working Group V presented statistics on recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in Ukraine in 2006-2020

UAA submitted its comments on Draft Laws №7520, №7520-1 and №7520-2

On September 8, 2022 Ukrainian Arbitration Association submitted its comments on Draft Laws №7520, №7520-1 and №7520-2 to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

UAA's President Olena Perepelynska participated in #ViennaArbitrationTalks

UAA's President Olena Perepelynska participated in #ViennaArbitrationTalks and discussed with Peter Rižnik an important topic on how to make Russia pay for the losses suffered by the victims of war in Ukraine.

Arbitral Insights podcast. International Arbitration and Ukraine: How conflict has affected arbitral practice

Olena Perepelynska, President of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association, head of international arbitration at INTEGRITES, and chair of the ICC Ukraine Arbitration Commission, joined ReedSmith Paris-based partner Andrew Tetley to discuss international arbitration in Ukraine.

Urgent call for action to prevent further genocide of Ukrainians

Ukrainian Arbitration Association joins the urgent call for action to prevent further genocide of Ukrainians by Russia.

Webinar “International Law and the War in Ukraine: The Path(s) to Reparations”

On 31 March, during the Paris Arbitration Week, UAA together with Shearman & Sterling conducted the Webinar “International Law and the War in Ukraine: The Path(s) to Reparations”.

Jus Mundi partners with the Ukrainian Arbitration Association

Jus Mundi and Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA) have joined forces to improve global access to key Ukrainian national decisions relating to set-aside and enforcement proceedings in international arbitration.

Amicus Curiae Brief: Alkodis v. Agat-A

Amicus Curiae Brief on the recognition and enforcement of the ICC Award dated 19 May 2021 in case No. 824/152/21.

UAA signed a memorandum of cooperation with ICC Ukraine

On 08 December 2021 at the Head Office of ICC Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association Olena Perepelynska and ICC Ukraine President Shchelkunov V.I. signed a memorandum of cooperation.

UAA Board Members Election Results

On 6th of December 2021 the Ordinary General Meeting was held on which the regular Election of the Association Board Members was conducted via e-mail.

Elections of the UAA Board members

We would like to inform you, that the UAA Board Election will take place on December 6, 2021 via e-mail.

Elections of the UAA Board members

Please be informed that this autumn elections of the UAA Board members will take place.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association held the First Annual Arbitration Conference

During two working days of the Conference, 24 speakers from more than 12 jurisdictions considered and discussed with the participants a wide range of topical issues in international arbitration, as well as the main trends that will definitely affect the development of international arbitration in the future.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association and UNBA signed a memorandum of cooperation

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association and the Ukrainian National Bar Association signed a memorandum of cooperation.

UAA submitted its comments on Draft Law № 5347

On May 11, 2021, the UAA submitted its comments on Draft Law № 5347 to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

VIII Online Arbitration School Results

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to share the results of its 8th Arbitration School!

Discussion of proposals and amendments of the deputies to the Draft Law № 3411

April 9, 2021, chaired by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Babiy R.V., a meeting of the subcommittee on the implementation of the ECHR judgments and alternative dispute resolution of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy was held.

UAA Annual Arbitration Conference

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association presented the preliminary program of the Conference, which will take place on May 26-27, 2021 in online format.


Ukrainian Arbitration Association presented the school program and announced speakers who will share their experience during the VIII Arbitration School in April 2021.


Ukrainian Arbitration Association is delighted to announce that VIII Arbitration school 2021 moves online!

New UAA Partners

UAA is glad to share with you that IAC "Chamber of Arbitrators at the Union of Lawyers" and International Arbitration Centre became new partners of the Association.

UAA was invited to participate as an observer in sessions of UNCITRAL Working Group II

UAA is pleased to announce that it has been included in the list of non-governmental organizations eligible for invitation to participate as an observer in sessions of UNCITRAL Working Group II on Arbitration and Conciliation / Dispute Settlement.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association Re-elected the President

On 25 November 2020, the General Meeting of Members of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA) has re-elected Olena Perepelynska (Partner, Head of Arbitration Practice of INTEGRITES) as its President.

General Meeting of Members of Ukrainian Arbitration Association

UAA informs about the General Meeting of the Members of the Association to be held on November 25, 2020. The Meeting will be devoted to the elections of the UAA President.


Dear Colleagues! We are glad to inform you about new project of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association – the Database of Arbitrators suitable to sit in Ukraine-related international arbitrations.

Experiences with Remote Hearings: A Survey of Users' Views

Dear Practitioners! Gary Born, Anneliese Day QC, and Hafez Virjee, President of Delos Dispute Resolutions, have launched a survey on user's experiences with remote hearings!


Dear arbitration practitioners, Registration for the 9th DIS Baltic Arbitration Days 2020 is open!

VIII Arbitration school

ATTENTION! In connection with the spread of the viral infection COVID-19, 8th Arbitration School, which was to be held on May 1–5, is postponed to August 21–25, 2020. Speakers and moderators who will share their experience will be announced later. Follow the news of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association.

VIII Arbitration school

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is ready to announce the speakers & moderators who will share their experience during VIII Arbitration school in May 2020.

5th Ukrainian Vis Pre-Moot. Arbitration Practitioners Coffee Debate 2020

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to support 5th Ukrainian Vis Pre-Moot!

Gone with the wind, burnt by the sun: recent trends and future forecasts in investment arbitration in the renewable energy sector

ATTENTION! Dear UAA Members! Due to the spread of the COVID-19, the PAW 2020 event, which was scheduled to take place in Paris on April 1, 2020, is being postponed to July 2020. Stay tuned for further news and updates.


Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


