VІ Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration

The results are available! If you are interested in arbitration, you want to deepen your knowledge in this area and want to make yourself known as a promising specialist, an essay competition can be an excellent opportunity to bring this to reality and, most importantly, to show your capacity.

Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites law students to take part in the annual Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration.

To see the results, please, follow the link

This time topic or essay will be:

«How to make your home jurisdiction a better seat of arbitration?».

Language: English

Deadline for essays  – January 15th January 31st, 2019.

Competition results will be announced in March 2019.

Please, submit your essay together with filled participant application form to secretariat@arbitration.kiev.ua, stating «Essay Competition 2019» as the letter topic.

Essays will be estimated by the committee of Ukrainian Arbitration Association representatives including experienced Ukrainian and foreign arbitration practitioners.

Awards for the winners:

I prize - a participant who wins the first prize will get an opportunity to complete a one-month paid internship at the Kyiv office of a leading Ukrainian/international law firm, "Dispute Resolution" practice, and receive a cash prize of 2,000 hryvnias. Moreover, he will get the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the admission and annual fees payment.

II prize - a participant who wins the second prize will get an opportunity to complete a one-month unpaid internship at the Kyiv office of a  leading Ukrainian/international law firm, "Dispute Resolution" practice, and receive a cash prize of 1,000 hryvnias. Moreover, he will get the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the admission and annual fees payment.

III prize - a participant who wins the third prize as a reward will receive a set of literature on international commercial arbitration and the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the admission and annual fees payment.

PLEASE, NOTE! The prizes will be given in Kyiv, Ukraine and cannot be sent by postal or other services.

The winners of the Competition can be enrolled to the VII UAA Arbitration school out of the competition.

Requirements for the essay

Competition Commission will accept only individual, previously unpublished works written in English (Standard Written English) that are relevant to the topic. Essays should have a research nature, be characterized by relevance, specificity, the profundity of topic introduction, logic and consistency of thoughts, as well as meet the general requirements for scientific works.

1. Requirements for the essay:
   a. The work to be submitted in MS Word format.
Font Times New Roman; size 14; line spacing of 1.5.
The page margins: 3 cm to the left, 1.5 cm to the right, 2 cm to the top and to the bottom of the page.
The essay should be up to 10 pages of A4 format (not including the title page and the list of used literature).
The work should have a name, a bibliography list, an introduction, conclusions, and a writing style appropriate for the target audience (international arbitration specialists).
Bibliography list should be concluded in alphabetical order and placed at the end of the text. References to the literature should be put in square brackets: the first digit denotes the number of the position in the bibliography list, the second digit - the page. The digits should be separated by a semicolon.
Works that do not meet the formatting requirements may not be considered by the commission, which will be notified to the contestant who sent such work.

Evaluation criteria

The Commission will evaluate works according to the following criteria:

   1. The idea described in the work.

   2. The presentation of information and opinions should be clear. The Commission will pay attention to the logical consistency of the text - the presence of input, conclusions and general idea development.

   3. The style of performing an essay. Writing any work requires compliance with a certain style, which should correspond to the target audience of written work (specialists in the field of international arbitration).

   4. Errors. The works will also be evaluated based on the errors in them (errors in sentence boundaries, spelling, punctuation, grammar etc.)

   5. A balance between the source material and the writer’s own ideas. It is important that the sources the writer refers to are used correctly and there is no discrepancy between the views of the writer and the source material author. The works of authors caught in plagiarizing will be disqualified.

   6. Work formatting. The work layout is important for its overall perception; therefore, the commission will also pay attention to how the document is formatted.


In case of any questions arise, please, contact the following UAA representatives:

Olena Perepelynska (UAA President) and Serhii Uvarov (Secretary General) at secretariat@arbitration.kiev.ua




Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more

