UAA & UNBA & ArbCEE joint event on Ukraine as a seat of arbitration during the wartime

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with Ukrainian National Bar Association and ArbCEE are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the joint event on Ukraine as a seat of arbitration during the wartime.

24 September 2024
10:00 Kyiv time
Working language - English



Olena Perepelynska
- UAA President, ArbCEE Board Member, Chair of UNBA Committee for ADR


Anna Guillard Sazhko - UAA Board Member, Member of UNBA Committee for ADR

Oleksii Maslov - UAA Board Member, counsel at Avellum

Prof. Nahnybida Volodymyr - Vice President of the ICAC.

Georgiy Grabchak - Head of International disputes division of the International cooperation and representation Department, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Join the discussion!

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more

