GAR Connect: Breaking In. How international arbitration becomes more diverse

UAA together with GAR are pleased to invite you to join a virtual event - GAR Connect: Breaking In “How international arbitration becomes more diverse"

This event will showcase individuals and ideas from seats or regions newer to international arbitration and the stories behind those people and places, along with some of the obstacles and challenges that newcomers to the world of international arbitration face.

Attendees will have a unique opportunity to connect with practitioners from across the world and hear from inspirational figures. The programme will open with a keynote address, before moving into 4 panel discussions, which audience members will have the chance to contribute to through live Q&A and polling.  


Registration by the LINK.

More information is HERE.


All UAA members are welcome to a 10% discount on tickets. Please mail the to get the discount code.




Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more

