ICC YAF event on assistance to Ukrainian Lawyers in difficult times

UAA is proud to support ICC YAF event on assistance to Ukrainian Lawyers in difficult times, on 14 April 2022.


Interested in making a tangible impact on the situation in Ukraine beyond donating to the right cause? Join this ICC YAF event to learn about the running initiatives focused on getting young Ukrainian lawyers out of harm’s way and pairing them with law firms that can offer temporary placement and/or other support.


This ICC YAF event aims to spread the word about the different modes of much-needed assistance and discuss the most common legal and logistical challenges in providing such help.

Tens of talented young lawyers have been affected by the horrors of the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. Many of them cannot leave the country, however, need our support more than ever. Offering a stable position and allowing young people in need to progress professionally can become an enormous contribution to their well-being and mental health. 

There are multiple law firms that are ready to assist by taking at least one Ukrainian lawyer as an intern or a secondee (either welcoming them in person or giving them assignments virtually). That said, such law firms and sole practitioners may be reluctant to extend the helping hand due to the lack of reliable information or because of being unsure whether they can find the right fit for their firm. 

To address the most common legal and logistical challenges in providing such help, the ICC YAF has invited arbitration professionals Galina Zukova, Patricia Shaughnessy, Nadiya Mykiyevych, & Olena Perepelynska who are keenly involved in helping young Ukrainians to shed more light on the available modes of much needed assistance. The discussion will be moderated by the ICC YAF representatives Denis Parchajev and Alicja Zielińska-Eisen.


Information about the event and registration is HERE.



Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


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