Invitation to Warsaw Arbitration and Mediation Days (23-25 May 2018)
WAMD is a three-day conference which is a joint initiative of the most important arbitration institutions in Poland: Polish National Committee of the ICC, Arbitration Court at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, Lewiatan Court of Arbitration, Polish Association of Engineers and Appraisers, University of Warsaw and SWPS University of Social Science and Humanities. The partners of the event are AIJA and ICC Paris.
The conference will be held on May 23-25, 2018 in Warsaw. During these three days there will be presentations and lectures of over 50 lawyers, experts, academics and practitioners from Poland, Germany, France, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Ukraine, Greece, Romania and even Brazil. There will be over 20 panels devoted to key issues related to commercial and investment arbitration, mediation, financial aspects of alternative dispute resolution, as well as on the role that psychology plays in this process.
Ukrainian Arbitration Association also invites you to attend WAMD satellite event: The Prague Rules on Conduct of the Taking of Evidence: an alternative to the IBA Rules?
The round table is aimed to obtain the feedback form the audience - potential users of the Prague Rules,- which will be considered by the Rules’ Working Group when revising the draft Rules.
The discussion will cover such issues as: proactive role of the Tribunal; fact finding; different types of evidence (documentary evidence, fact witnesses, experts), jura novit curia principle, hearing, assistance in amicable settlement; adverse inference and allocation of costs.
Round table discussion will be led by coordinators and members of the Prague Rules Working Group: Vladimir Khvalei, Alexandre Khrapoutski and Olena Perepelynska, as well as Polish arbitration practitioners [TBC]. The event will provide a unique opportunity for arbitration practitioners to contribute to fine-tuning of the new tool in soft law of international arbitration, which could be particularly useful in their arbitration practice.
Date and time: 24 May 2018, 17.30 – 19.00
Venue: GESSEL, ul. Sienna 39, 00-121 Warszawa
REGISTER for the event. Participation is free of charge.
Language of the event is English (without translation).