Prague Rules Will Be Officially Launched on 14th of December 2018

Join the momentous event in arbitration history!

The Prague Rules were created to increase the efficiency of arbitral proceedings by encouraging tribunals to take a more active role in managing the proceedings. From the very first drafts elaborated by the Working group, Prague Rules were in spotlight of many debates and discussions and soon, in the very end of 2018, they will be officially launched to serve their purpose!

According to the UAA Board decision of 17 October 2018 UAA will join the list of the Prague Rules supporting organizations and will sign them in Prague.

Official Launch of Prague Rules in cooperation with Global Arbitration Review will take place on 14 December 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic, Martinický palác, Hradčanské náměstí 67/8.

The main themes for discussion during the event will be:

  • Horses for courses: common law vs. civil law procedure in international arbitration
  • Is the sky the only limit? Discovery and e-discovery in arbitration.
  • Lie to me. Fact witnesses vs. documentary evidence: can a paper lie?
  • How much do loaded guns contribute to the truth? Party appointed vs. tribunal appointed experts.
  • Showing a sphinx face. Limits of the tribunal’s role in fact findings.
  • No place for old men? Jura Novit Curia in international arbitration.

The conference will be culminated in the solemnly signing of the Prague Rules and the reception

Want to know more? Information on the speakers, the program, and registration is HERE!

More on Prague Rules can be found on the site of the initiative.

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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