Pre-KAD event, dedicated to 60th anniversary of New York Convention

The event took place in Hyatt Rigency Kyiv on September 13, 2018. It was organized by Shearman&Sterling with the support of ICC YAF, ICDR Y & I, Russia-CIS Arbitration Network and Ukrainian Arbitration Association.

The focus of the event was on the New York Convention, which has been the tool supporting recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in many countries for 60 years.  As well, the other important topics related to application of the Convention were covered. Arbitration practitioners from reputable Ukrainian and foreign firms and organizations led the discussion.

The first panel covered hot topics and recent trends in practical application of the 1958 New York Convention. It was moderated by Rudolf Simone-Pont (Shearman&Sterling, France), and divided into three sub-topics:

“Guerrilla tactics to avoid enforcement of Arbitral awards” was presented by Sergii Uvarov (Integrites, Ukraine), “The Future of New York Convention” was covered by Oksana Karel (Arzinger ,Ukraine) and Sergiy Gryshko (Redcliffe Partners, Ukraine) presented “Gateway problems under Article II NYC”.

The second panel , “Myth-busting in international arbitration – the New York Convention and beyond”, was dedicated to myths among arbitration specialists. The panel was moderated by Åsa Waller (Mannheimer Swartling, Sweden). It comprised three topics represented by experienced practitioners in the field:

Tetyana Nesterchuk (Fountain Court Chambers, UK) shared her view on how “The introduction of the Prague rules would signify an adoption of a radically different procedure in the conduct of international arbitration”. Tracey Wright (Fieldfisher, UK) presented some facts in her “International arbitration is often cheaper and quicker than litigation” speech. Pelin Baysal (Gün+Partners, Turkey) shared her practical experience in the discussion covering topic “Public policy exceptions to NYC enforcement are statistically rare in practice”,.

Third panel, moderated by Eva Kalnina (Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Sweden) was called “the Enforcement World Trip”, and was shaped around diverse experience of arbitral awards enforcement.

Sergey Alekhin (Willkie Farr & Gallagher ,France) covered enforcement in Russia, Irina Nazarova (ENGARDE, Ukraine) discussed enforcement in Ukraine, Anna Guillard Sazhko (Shearman&Sterling, France) discussed enforcement in France, and lastly Maksym Kodunov (Ministry of Justice, Ukraine) gave overview of enforcement from state perspective.

Worth noting proactiveness of the event participants, who enjoyed the opportunity to share their experience, obtain new skills and receive valuable information.

After the event, organizers treated participants to cocktails in the hotel’s restaurant, where everyone could have conversation with the colleagues in a less formal atmosphere.

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


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