XV UAA Webinar "Art Disputes"

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to invite you to its XV Webinar "Art Disputes".


22 February 2022

17:00 Kyiv time


Please watch the streaming HERE.


We will talk about

  • art market from a gallery owner perspective
  • the “Crimean Treasures” case
  • the expropriation exception of the U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as a powerful tool for art restitution
  • Court of arbitration for Art



Olena Perepelynska – UAA President, Partner at INTEGRITES



Olexander Droug - Partner at Sayenko Kharenko

Giangiacomo Cirla - Gallery Director at OPR Gallery

Rodrigo Carè - dual qualified New York and Italian international arbitration lawyer

Stan Putter - Partner at Smallegange, President of the Dutch Arbitration Association and the CEO of the Court of Arbitration for Art


In case of any questions, please contact info@arbitration.kiev.ua.



Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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