Anthony Connerty

Date of birth: 1938


Called to the Bar: Inner Temple 

M.A. International and Comparative Business Law (London University) [international banking, insurance, intellectual property and trade law] 

Post-graduate Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration: Queen Mary and Westfield College, London University: Course organisers Martin Hunter and Julian Lew 

Post-graduate Certificate of Credit in International Energy Law (London University)

Title, scientific degree, academic or other status: Barrister

Language skills:

  • English

Field(s) of specialization:

International arbitration and Mediation 

Professional experience:


As a litigation lawyer he has extensive experience acting in most English courts. He has represented parties ranging from institutional clients including the Crown Estate Commissioners and the Church Commissioners for England to commercial and entertainment clients such as the designer Katharine Hamnett and the actress Diana Dors. He has acted as Counsel in courts of foreign jurisdiction: he acted as Counsel in the High Court and Court of Appeal in London, the Supreme Court in the Turks and Caicos Islands and as Adviser in Courts of the People’s Republic of China in a long-running multi-million US dollar dispute involving a commercial property development in Shanghai.


As an ADR lawyer he has acted as Counsel, Arbitrator and Mediator in international arbitrations and mediations in Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Lagos, London, New York, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm and Washington D.C. under the Rules of various international institutions including the LCIA, ICC, AAA/ICDR, CIETAC, CIArb, SCC (Stockholm), RCICAL (Lagos), LME (London Metal Exchange) and in ad hoc arbitrations under the UNCITRAL Rules. 

He has acted as Counsel in arbitration- related litigation. 

His areas of experience include complex international multi-million U.S. dollar cases involving general commercial disputes; oil and gas; metals; cotton; banking; online dispute resolution; art law. He has a particular interest in China and has been a member of the CIETAC Panel of arbitrators since 1997.



CEDR - accredited Mediator [1997] and IMI Certified Mediator [ the International Mediation Institute in The Hague was created by the Singapore Mediation Centre/Singapore International Arbitration Centre; the International Centre for Dispute Resolution/American Arbitration Association (ICDR/AAA); and the Netherlands Mediation Institute]. 

Experience as Mediator and as Mediation Advocate 

Actively involved in ADR – in particular mediation - for over 10 years. Experience as Counsel and Mediator in both domestic and high – value international commercial mediations, including acting as counsel or mediator in international commercial mediations in England, China and Singapore. 

Has acted as Mediator in over 50 cases. 

His experience as mediator (and counsel) in both domestic and high – value international commercial mediations includes acting as mediator and counsel in international commercial mediations in England (counsel in international metals arbitration where parties agreed to mediate during the course of the arbitration); in Beijing (counsel in ICC arbitration where arbitrator at a hearing in Beijing agreed to switch to act as mediator: dispute between parties in the fashion trade); in Singapore (sole mediator in 3 - day mediation in complex oil-related dispute); and as sole mediator in a North Sea oil dispute involving contracts for the fabrication of sub-sea oil drilling structures for use with FPSOs in the North Sea (Floating Production Storage and Off-loading Vessels). 

Appointed in various cases by the ICC’s International Centre for Expertise, Paris. 

Appointed by the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organisation, Geneva, as panellist in WIPO domain name disputes. Anthony is a member of various mediation (and arbitration) panels in the UK, Europe, United States, China and the Middle East.

Professional positions:

Other interests involving international dispute resolution: 

Head of THE IDR GROUP ® 

A small, not-for-profit group of specialists in international dispute resolution from various countries around the world. Members include those who have sat in the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Members have acted in commercial arbitrations in cities around the world under the Rules of the major arbitral and other institutions. Since its launch at a Reception in the Houses of Parliament in London, the Group has staged conferences on international dispute resolution in London, Ankara, Cairo, Beijing and Washington D.C. Latest conference “Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation in the Resolution of International Disputes”. Staged with Altinbas University and the Istanbul Bar Association at Caglayan Court House Conference Hall, Istanbul. October 2017. 

Chairman of the CIETAC Foreign Arbitrators’ Forum 

Appointed by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing to set up a CIETAC Foreign Arbitrators’ Forum in the UK. The purpose of the Forum is to disseminate information on CIETAC. Forum launched in London in April 2011 at a Reception at the Guildhall hosted by the Corporation of the City of London. Seminars have been staged in London, Edinburgh and Dublin. Speakers have included the Secretary General of CIETAC.


Arbitration / Mediation Panel and other Memberships have included: 

Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre 

Arab Bankers Association, London 

Beijing Arbitration Commission 

Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration Chartered 

Institute ofArbitrators’International Arbitration Panel Chartered 

Institute of Arbitrators’ Mediation Panel 

China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing (CIETAC) [appointed to the CIETAC Panel in 1997] 

China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC) 

Dispute Board Federation, Geneva 

Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) 

Florence International Mediation Chamber (FIMC) 

ICDR (the international section of the American Arbitration Association, Chicago): Energy Arbitrator’s List (EAL) 

ICDR Panel of Arbitrators: American Arbitration Association, New York 

International Mediation Institute, The Hague (The IMI) 

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC): [appointed in various cases by the ICC’s International Centre for Expertise, Paris] 

Asian International Arbitration Centre – AIAC (formerly Kuala Lumpur 

Regional Centre for Arbitration) Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, Lagos, Nigeria; Scottish Arbitration Centre, Edinburgh 

SHIAC: Shanghai International Arbitration Centre Swiss 

Arbitration Association (ASA) 

Swiss Chinese Law Association, Geneva 

Tehran Regional Arbitration Centre (TRAC) 

U.N.’s World Intellectual Property Organisation, Geneva (WIPO): Arbitration & Mediation Panel; and the WIPO Domain Name Panel.



Author of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Manual of International Dispute Resolution. 

Published by the Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London. ISBN 13: 978-8-0 85092-837-2 Foreword by Sandra Day O’ Connor, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Reviews of the Manual have been published in various international journals including the ICCA Yearbook, the AAA’ s Dispute Resolution Journal and the LCIA’ s Arbitration International.

“The Fraud Exception in English Law” 

Chapter 21 of the ICC Commercial Crime Services book “Trade Finance Fraud: Understanding the Threats and Reducing the Risk”. ICC Publication No. 643 ISBN: 92 842 1312 6 

“Strengthening Relations with the Arab World through Dispute Resolution”

 Published by the Permanent Court of Arbitration / Peace Palace Papers. Papers emanating from the Fourth PCAInternational Law Seminar at The Hague. Kluwer ISBN 90-411-1972-8; 

Interim and Emergency Relief in International Arbitration – International Law Institute Washington D. C. Series on International Law, Arbitration and Practice 

Diora Ziyaeva, Editor / Ian A. Laird, Borzu Sabahi, Anne Marie Whitesell, General Editors ISBN: 978-1-937518-70-7 CHAPTER on “Bifurcation, Challenges to Jurisdiction and Security for Costs” 

The Hugh Lane Bequest: 

“Ownership, Ethics and Non- Adversarial Settlement Methods”: Volume 26 of the Studies in Art Law, “Cultural Heritage Law and Ethics: Mapping Recent Developments”. ISBN 978-3-7255-8677-6 Schulthess Médias Juridiques SA, · Genève · Zurich · Bâle 2017 


Articles on international commercial dispute resolution have been published in various journals around the world. 

Articles on Lehman Brothers published in Hong Kong and London; 

Articles on the revised CIETAC Rules published in New York and London; 

“International Cotton Arbitration”, published in Arbitration International, the Journal of the LCIA, [May 2013]; 

“ADR as a ‘Filter’ Mechanism: The Use of ADR in the Context of International Disputes”, published by Arbitration, the Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators [April 2013]. 

“Lex Mercatoria: Reflections of an English Lawyer”: (2014) 30 Arbitration International, 701-719. 

“The Resolution of Art Disputes by Adjudication: A New Way Forward”. Published by the Dispute Board Federation, London, Geneva, Lisbon and Perth, NSW. [May 2020]. 

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international arbitration: “A Hybrid Future?” New Law Journal [19 June 2020, pp 27-28]. 

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators “The Future of International Arbitration following the Pandemic”. CIArb Features, 9 October 2020. Book reviews for various publications including New Law Journal and GAR.

Book reviews for various publications including New Law Journal and GAR.


Speaker at conferences in the UK, U.S., Europe, Africa, the Middle East and China on international commercial dispute resolution. 

Recent conferences: 

Turkey: Istanbul Kemerburgaz University School of Law. Conference on "International Commercial Arbitration and the New Lex Mercatoria",April 2013. 

Saudi Arabia: NaifArab University for Security Sciences Riyadh. Conference on the use of Arbitration in relation to criminal matters. May 2013. 

UK: Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) Conference, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London. June 2013. 

UK: Hong Kong International Arbitration (HKIAC) Conference, Norton Rose Fulbright, London. August 2013. 

USA: The International Investment Law Center, the IDR Group and the ADR Center of the International Law Institute: Conference on Interim Measures in International Arbitration. Georgetown, Washington D.C. April 2014. 

Turkey: Ankara University Faculty of Law and Union of Turkish Public Notaries. Energy Law Symposium. Ankara, May 2014. 

UK: Speaker and member of the Organising Committee of Conference at the Guildhall, City of London on “Shaping the Future of International Dispute Resolution”. Staged by the International Mediation Institute and the IDR Group. October 2014. 

Turkey: Union Internationale des Avocats Conference on Mediation. Ankara, May 2015. 

Turkey: Seminar: Istanbul Kemerburgaz University School of Law. May 2015. Scotland: Energy Arbitration Conference. Paper on the Innovations in Conflict Management for the Energy Industry: Role of mediation and other ADR mechanisms for the Energy Industry. Edinburgh, October 2015. Organisations supporting the conference included the Energy Charter Secretariat and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution. 

Switzerland: Speaker at Second All Art and Cultural Heritage Law Conference, Art-Law Centre, Geneva, June 2016. Paper “Ownership, Ethics and Mediation” concerning ownership dispute between London and Dublin galleries in relation to the Hugh Lane Continental Pictures. 

Turkey: Conference “Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation in the Resolution of International Disputes”. Staged by the IDR Group, Altinbas University and the Istanbul Bar Association at Caglayan Court House Conference Hall, Istanbul. October 2017. 

Turkey: Paper for Conference on Art and Law held at the Esma Sultan Mansion, Istanbul, staged by SYZ Private Banking, Hergüner Bilgen Özeke and the IDR Group: “Demands for the Return of National Treasures”. November 2019. 

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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