Atamanova Yulia


Born in 1978

Citizenship: Ukraine


2009 - Doctor of Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy.

2003 – PhD, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy.

2001 - Master of Laws, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy.

Title, scientific degree, academic or other status: Doctor of Law


  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • English


Corporate and commercial law, contract law, investment law, intellectual property, banking and financial law, construction.


Banking & finance, trade and retail, agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, energy, media, art.

Professional experience:

More than 20 years

2020 – till now – Partner at LCF Law Group Head of International Arbitration, Commercial and Corporate Disputes. Attorney-at-law

2015 - 2020 - Counsel at LCF Law Group: Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance, Corporate Law. Attorney-at-law

2011 - 2014 - Counsel at "Kibenko, Onika & Partners" Law Firm: Commercial Law, Intellectual Property,

2004 - 2010 - Legal Counsel LLC "KharkivGas Equipment"

Academic work:

2016 - 01.02.2022 - Head of the Scientific Center of Legal Support for the Development of Science and Technology of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

2010 - 2015 - Director (2014-2015), Deputy Director (2010-2014) Research institute of legal providing of innovative development of National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv

2003 - 2015 - Professor (2015), Associate professor (2009-2015), Assistant (2004-2009) of the Department of Economic Law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy, Kharkiv

2015 - Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv

2009 - 2011 – Lecturer of the module on "Law of International Commercial Contracts" LLM and MA program of the Hertfordshire University (UK) and the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy

2005 - 2010 - Leading researcher at the Economic Department of Intellectual Property Research Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Current place of employment - LCF Law Group

Position - Partner, Head of International Arbitration 

Arbitration experience

More than 50 cases, amongst which 39 cases, at which I have sat as both a sole arbitrator and a co-arbitrator.

Rules of arbitration: ICC, LCIA, ICAC, UNCITRAL, GAFTA, SCC

List of Arbitrators

ICAC at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce 

London Court of International Arbitration

Membership in other professional associations:

Ukrainian Bar Association 



2021-2022 - the course on writing an arbitration award of the the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb, UK) with successful pass of the exam

2019-2020 – the English Law and Legal Skills and Commercial Law course, British Law Centre (UK)

2018 - the GAFTA Professional Development Commodity Dispute Resolution course

2013-2015 - 3 staged-course on arbitration proceedings and obtaining a membership of the Royal Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb, UK) with successful pass of the exams (oral and writing): Introduction to International Arbitration Course, Practice and Procedure of International Arbitration

Activity as a member of professional associations:

2021-2023 – a Member of the Board of the International Law Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association

2017-2019 – a Member of the Board of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association


Атаманова Ю.Е. Ось обращения: Правовой статус юридического лица как государственного предприятия априори не лишает его права обращения в арбитраж за разрешением споров в сфере ВЭД // Юридическая практика. г. Киев, 2017. № 22 (1014).

Атаманова Ю.  Зернові спори: національні суди чи арбітраж — що обрати? //  AgroPortal.- - грудень 2020

Atamanova Y.  How to avoid unpleasant surprises with arbitral award //  KyivPost.-

Атаманова Ю.  Практика звернення до виконання арбітражного рішення на території України: підсумки року //  Український адвокат №9-10 (169-170). – грудень 2020

Атаманова Ю.  Нова парадигма міжнародного арбітражу //  Юридична газета, Вибір клієнта: ТОП-100 найкращих юристів України

Exploring Ukraine’s evolving approach to international arbitration issues /Yulia Atamanova examines the implications of recent changes to international arbitration in Ukraine// Business Ukraine magazine. -ю - березень 2019

Ukraine: How to Litigate Effectively in a Time of Total Transformation. - CEE Legal Matters// -  January 2019

Publications 2022:

Як зібрати докази руйнування та пошкодження майна від активів агресії рф //

Законопроєкт про націоналізацію №7169         Коментар-колонка ЮП //

Юлія Атаманова, Ірина Кобець Стягнення бізнесом збитків з рф в національних судах: як віднайти можливість               //

Юлія Атаманова, Дмитро Каба Чи отримає Україна нові можливості в якості кандидата на вступ до ЄС? //

Судовий імунітет держави та нові виклики перед міжнародним правом //

Юлія Атаманова, Генадій Цират Запобіжник від агресії: як позбавити РФ імунітету та змусити відшкодовувати збитки //

Forced withdrawal of property of Russian Federation and its residents //;

Potential ways to compensate for the damage of Ukrainian business caused by Russian aggression //

Events 2022-2023 with participation as a speaker/moderator

1. Стягнення збитків з рф (13.04.22) АСС    

2. Вплив війни на майнові, трудові, спадкові та інші права громадян і юридичних осіб України (10.06.2022)  Цивілістична Платформа

3. First Legal Forum EU – EASTERN PARTNERSHIP. International Legal Community Stands with Ukraine! (25-26.05.2022)

4. Форс-мажор в умовах війни (21.10.2022) ЕВА        

5. Договір до Енергетичної Хартії: юридичний інструмент захисту укр енергетичних компаній від воєнних дій росії    (28.10.2022) Міненерго, Секретаріат ДЕХ

6. Littleton Arbitration Seminar: Disputes Arising from the Russia-Ukraine War (01.11.2022)   

7. Kyiv Arbitration Day      (10-11.11.2022)  АПУ         

8. International law for in-house lawyers: talks about the most important. Chapter 2. Litigation and enforcement abroad (06.12.2022) АПУ         

9. International law for in-house lawyers: talks about the most important. Chapter 3/ Investment arbitration (06.12.2022) АПУ

Additional past event with participation as a speaker

October 2021 - VIII International Arbitration readings in memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko 

November 2020 – Moderator at Ukrainian Arbitration Forum. Session “Industrial arbitration disputes”

September 2019 - Eastern European Dispute Resolution Forum EEDRF-2019

March 2018 – Report at English Law Day “2017 Summary of Judicial Practice For Residents of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland “

July 2017 - acted as the judge during mini-moot of the second Jessup Summer School.

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


Arb Acad



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