Danilevich Aliaksandr


Citizenship: Republic of Belarus 

Education: BSU, Faculty of Law (specialization in international law), 1996

Title, scientific degree, academic or other status: PhD in law, docent

Language skills:

  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • German

Field(s) of specialization:

  • International arbitration
  • Civil and Commercial Litigation
  • International trade
  • Shipping and maritime
  • Civil and commercial law
  • Corporate
  • Banking&Finance

Professional experience:

  • Partner, Head of CIS Arbitration Practice at INTEGRITES;
  • President of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association;
  • Board member of RAA;
  • Vice-President of the Polish-Ukrainian Chapter of the Spanish Arbitration Club;
  • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb);
  • Member of ICC Central and Eastern European Arbitration Group;
  • Co-chair of EEDRF Organizing committee;
  • Advocate, member of the Ukraine’s National Bar Association   

Arbitration experience: 

Since 2003 has been involved in over 100 arbitrations under a variety of arbitration rules as counsel, party-appointed, institution-appointed, sole arbitrator and presiding arbitrator in disputes involving private and state parties, and related to project finance, corporate rights transactions, distribution, telecommunications, insurance, maritime, construction and commercial contracts in general including contracts for the sale of goods and services (e.g. advertising, consulting).

Lists of arbitrators: 

  • Arbitration Court of the Economic and Agrarian Chambers of the Czech Republic;
  • Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan;
  • Court of International Commercial Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania;
  • Georgian International Arbitration Centre (GIAC);
  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC);
  • International Arbitral Center of the Federal Economic Chamber of Austria;
  • International Arbitration Court at the Belorussian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • International Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kazakhstani International Arbitrage;
  • Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA);
  • Pacific International Arbitration Centre (PIAC);
  • Permanent Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Banks Association;
  • Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration (VCCA)


Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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