Ihor Kravtsov

Contact information: I.Kravtsov@evris.law

Date of birth: 1986

Citizenship: Ukraine

Education: National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, 2009

A title, scientific degree, academic or another status: 

  • Master of Law, teacher of higher educational establishments
  • Currently: postgraduate student at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” from 10.2015

Language skills:

  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • English

Field(s) of specialization: 

  • Dispute resolution,
  • arbitration,
  • case law,
  • execution and recognition of court decisions

Professional experience:

  • A practicing lawyer since 2006,
  • Certified attorney at law since 2017
  • Managing Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution at “Evris” law firm” LLC

Arbitration experience: 3-4 internal, 5-6 international (rules of ICAC, LCIA, ICC)


  • 5th World Litigation Forum 2018 Dubai;
  • Dispute Resolution in CIS-Related Business Transactions, Frankfurt, February 20199

Membership in other professional associations:

  • Ukrainian Bar Association
  • Ukrainian Advoсatеs' Association
  • International Bar Association

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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