Khrapoutski Alexandre

Contact details:

Tel.: +375 17 250 90 26

Fax: +375 17 396 90 26



Personal information:

Citizenship: Belarus

Year of birth: 1972


  • Belarusian State University, Law Faculty;
  • Internship at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary, 1999). Course “Review of International Disputes in the WTO and international commercial arbitration”;
  • Internship under the Tempus program, Кarl-Franzens University Graz (Graz, Austria, 1999);
  • Internship under the Tempus program, Friedrich-Alexandre-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen, Germany, 2000 – 2001);
  • Internship under the Community Connections Business program (Minneapolis, USA, 2004).

Language skills:

  • Russian
  • English
  • Belarusian

Field(s) of specialization:

  • dispute resolution
  • banking and finance,
  • corporate Law,
  • the media and advertising

Professional experience:

Practicing since 1995. Practical arbitration experience since 2000.

Working experience in jurisdictions: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, England, Sweden, France.

At present moment is arbitrator of:

  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
  • Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration  (KLRCA)
  • Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration (VCCA)
  • AEB Arbitration Court
  • International arbitration court at the BelTPP 
  • Vienna International Arbitral Center  (VIAC),
  • Vilnius International and national Commercial Arbitration
  • Arbitration court «Lewiatan» (Poland);

Additional Information:

  • Member of the Minsk Region Bar Association.
  • Member of International Bar Association.
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb).
  • Member of the Board of the Association of members to assist in developing of arbitral proceedings (Russia).
  • Expert in the range of international projects: Doing Business of World Bank and International Monetary Fund (since 2004 until present time).
  • The certificate of an independent bank director, issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (2014).


Co-author of Commentary on the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, the author of numerous publications in the field of business activity, manuals and teaching materials in the Republic of Belarus.

Among publications:

1. Khrapoutski A. Legal regulation of leasing in the new Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus // System of law and legislation of the Republic of Belarus: situation and perspectives of development: Mater. of rep. scient.-pract. Conf. Grodno, April 26-27, 1999, in 2 parts // Grodno State University nam. Yanki Kupaly (edit. I.V. Guschin) – Grodno, 1999. – Part 1. P. 155-159.

2. Khrapoutski A. Issue 14. Protection of Civil Rights // Practical Guide on Civil Law: teaching material / Under edition of Professor V.F.Chigir. – Minsk: Amalfea, 2000. – P. 40-48.

3. Khrapoutski A. Issue 34. Leasing. Gratuitous use of property // Practical Guide on Civil Law: teaching material / Under edition of Professor V.F.Chigir. –  Minsk: Amalfea, 2000. – P.  108-118.

4. Khrapoutski A. Untitrust legislation / Khrapoutski A. // Belarusian legal encyclopedia: In 4 v. – V. 1. / editors: S.A.Balashenko [and others.]. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2007. – P. 64.

5. Khrapoutski A. Banking secrets / Khrapoutski A. // Belarusian legal encyclopedia: In 4 v. – V. 1. / editors: S.A.Balashenko [and others.]. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2007. – P. 101.

6. Khrapoutski A. The risks of lessor in the agreement of international financial leasing / Khrapoutski A. // Industrial and trade law. – 2010. – № 10. – P. 45-49.

7. Khrapoutski A. The franchise agreement: some aspects of legal regulation / Khrapoutski A. // Legal support of innovative development of economy of the Republic of Belarus: Mater. of int. scient.-pract. Conf., Minsk, 21-22 October. 2010 / editors.: I.N.Kolyadko (chief editor) [and others] – Minsk: Positive-center, 2010. – P.190-191.

8. Khrapoutski A. The new order of consideration of disputes between Belarusian parties in the International Arbitration Court at the BCCI / Khrapoutski A. // Jurist. – 2011. – № 5 (120). – p. 16-19.

9. Khrapoutski A. Russian Arbitration Association. New prospects of development// Jurist. - 2014. - № 11.

10. Khrapoutski A., Loban K. Good Arbitrator – a guarantee of success// Director. - 2015. - № 6.

Publications abroad:

1. A. Khrapoutski. Arbitrability according to the legislation of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine: problematic issues // Materials of the II International Arbitration Readings in Memory of Academician Igor POBIRCHENKO. The collection of papers. ICAC at the Ukrainian CCI. – 2015.

2. Khrapoutski A., Loban K. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Republic of Belarus // The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management. Volume 81. Issue 1. Publication date February 1, 2015.

3. Alexandre Khrapoutski. Electronic document: application in arbitration (practice of Belarus and Russia) // Legal Insight № 8 (34) 2014.

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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