Report on activities of Olena Perepelynska as UAA President and Board member

Last week marked the conclusion of the second term of Olena Perepelynska as President of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA).

As a founding member of the UAA, Olena supported the decision, made 12 years ago at the Association's establishment, to implement a presidential rotation system that limits terms to two consecutive mandates. This limitation draws inspiration from a similar provision in the Ukrainian Constitution and aligns with best practices in governance.

Today we would like to reflect on the eight years of Olena’s presidency at the UAA.

Together, we have achieved notable improvement of the Ukrainian arbitration legislation and related court practice. We have organized numerous educational programs and worked to promote Ukrainian arbitrators and Ukraine as an attractive seat of arbitration. 

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is sincerely grateful for all the time and effort that Olena has devoted to the development of the Association. We are convinced that our Association stands out as one of the most successful arbitration organizations in the region thanks to Olena’s dedication.

Please find more detailed report by the link.


Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


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