VIII Online Arbitration School Results

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to share the results of its 8th Arbitration School!

In 2021 in view of Covid-19 the UAA has decided to change the traditional offline format of its annual Arbitration School and to hold it online, with the program divided into 6 days during the period between 8 and 27 April 2021.

New format made the School accessible for participants from different parts of the world and allowed UAA to accept over 90 applications from 24 jurisdictions: Albania, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Iran, France, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Serbia, Sweden, UAE, UK, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

The school faculty included speakers from Austria, Germany, France, Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Ukraine and the USAJulien FouretRima BugaighisSergii MelnykMaria Hauser-MorelMarianna KychenkoTetyana NesterchukSebastiano Nessi FCIArbPaulius Docka, FCIArbArtem Doudko FCIArbUlyana Bardyn, Daniel MorrisJennifer YounanAnna Guillard SazhkoOlga HamamaLise AlmLeon KopeckyBernd EhleSam MossIvan KasynyukAnton Sotir, Denis Parchajev and Ramunas Audzevicius.

The School program was followed by a traditional round table discussion about building a career in international arbitration, held in online format as well.

The Arbitration School is the project created at the initiative of Ukrainian Arbitration Association aimed to help those interested in arbitration to gain knowledge and access to information and expertise of the experienced arbitration practitioners. Initially designed mainly for the Ukrainian audience, the Arbitration School grew up into a truly international education project.


This year the School organizers received very positive feedback from the participants:

“This school was an amazing experience. The information was very interesting and the speakers vere cool.”

“Definitely one of the best learning experience from the excellent faculties in the field of international Arbitration.”

“The general impression is extremely great. The modules were structured in a logical sequence and the materials provided in a clear and comprehensive way… The online format was absolutely fine and didn't cause any inconvenience… Thank you for the organisation of the school! It is a fantastic idea”

“I am impressed so far, a lot of new information and knowledge, I loved everything! Congratulations! I hope to be able to participate in others.”


The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is grateful to the School’s participants, speakers, members of the School Organizing Committee  Olena Perepelynska (UAA President), Serhii Uvarov (UAA Secretary General), Artem Doudko  (UAA Board Member), Anna Guillard Sazhko  (UAA Board Member), Alexandre Khrapoutski  (UAA Board Member) and to the information partners of the event:  ELSA Kyiv#Careers in ArbitrationGeorgian International Arbitration CentreNash Arbitrazh, YADR Belarus and Tashkent International Arbitration CentreTIAC45.


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Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


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