Current Professional Position: Managing Partner at Marushko Law Office, Member of Supervisory Board, Head of Remuneration and Nomination Committee in JSC "MGU" (shareholder of LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine)

Nationality: Ukrainian

Residence: Ukraine

Bar admission: Ukraine


  • ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Central & Eastern Europe
  • University of London, University College London (Master of Laws (merit))
  • Kyiv National Economic University (Master’s degree in jurisprudence, Legal regulation of economy (summa cum laude))
  • FIDIC studies completion certificate
  • ATC Certificate of Accountancy
  • Euromoney PPP & PFI training

Legal Background: civil law, European law, international law

Professional affiliation/membership :FCIArb, Member of UAA and UBA


Native: Ukrainian, Russian

Sufficient to conduct proceedings and draft award: English

Fields of specialisation: Agriculture, Banking & Financial services, Construction, International Trade, Investment Arbitration, M&A and Corporate Disputes, Real estate, Transport & Infrastructure

Arbitration experience: as arbitrator - 0, as counsel - 9, as expert - 2

Under which arbitration rules: LCIA, ICC, ICAC at UCCI, UNCITRAL Rules

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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