IV Ukrainian Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration

ATTENTION! Essays are accepted till 6 March!!!!! If you are fond of international commercial arbitration, you want your potential employers to believe you are a really promising specialist, you dream to work at an international law firm, then you certainly have to participate in the IV Ukrainian Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration. The latter is jointly organized by the Ukrainian Arbitration Association and Ukrainian Bar Association Students' League.

The topic:


«Contemporary problems of ethics in international arbitration»


The works are accepted: from 20 January till 6 March 2017

At: competition@ligauba.org.ua


You should send completed application form along with your essay.

Requirements for essay are stipulated in the "Guideline"


Awards for the winners:


I prize - participant who wins the first prize will get an opportunity to do a one month paid internship at the leading Ukrainian/international law firm, "Dispute Resolution" practice, and receive a cash prize of 2,000 hryvnas. Moreover, he will get the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the entrance and annual fees payment.


II prize - participant who wins the second prize will get an opportunity to do a one month paid internship at the leading Ukrainian/international law firm, "Dispute Resolution" practice, and receive a cash prize of 1,000 hryvnas. Moreover, he will get the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the entrance and annual fees payment.


III prize - participant who wins the third prize as a reward will receive a set of literature on international commercial arbitration and the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the entrance and annual fees payment.


The winners of the Competition can be enrolled to the V UAA Arbitration school out of competition.

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more

