V Ukrainian Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration

You are interested in international commercial arbitration and everything related to it? You want to deepen your knowledge in this area? You dream to work at an international law firm, but you do not know how to make a positive impression on the employer? In this case, participation in the V Ukrainian Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration is a great opportunity for you to come into the spolight!

Ukrainian Arbitration Association jointly with Ukrainian Bar Association Students' League traditionally organize the competition.

To participate you should take following steps:

  • Write an essay in English on "Implications of third-party funding in international arbitration"
  • Send your work to: arbitration@ligauba.org.ua
  • Attach completed application form

Works are accepted from December 1, 2017 until January 31, 2018

Requirements for competitive works are set out in the "Guidelines"

And now to the nicest: what will the winners get from the competition?

І prize - the opportunity to do one month paid internship at the leading Ukrainian/international law firm in Dispute Resolution practice and a cash prize of 2,000 UAH, as well as the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the entrance and annual fees payment.

II prize - the opportunity to do one month unpaid internship at one month at the leading Ukrainian/international law firm in in Dispute Resolution practice and a cash prize of UAH 1,000, as well as the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the entrance and annual fees payment.

III prize - literature on international commercial arbitration and the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the entrance and annual fees payment.


Contact: Natalia Chop

cell: 099-187-81-23

e-mail: pr.manager@ligauba.org.ua

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more

