UAA Events

Registration is open for the Vilnius Arbitration Day 2025 supported by the UAA

Vilnius Arbitration Day 2025 will take place on 12 September 2025, bringing together members of the international arbitration community for a day of discussion and debate in Vilnius, Lithuania.

II UAA Arbitration Academy

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is opening the registration for the II Arbitration Academy!

Online-Presentation of the Translation of the 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules

Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites you to join the online-presentation of the translation of the 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules to Ukrainian!


Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites you to be part of the International Conference KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2024: THINK BIG! — an exceptional online event crafted for professionals who want to stay at the cutting edge of international arbitration.

UAA & ASA Webinar on How to become a good arbitrator?

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with Swiss Arbitration Association are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the webinar on How to become a good arbitrator?

Register of Damage: interview with Yuliia Kyrpa

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to announce the opening of registration for the online event: Register of Damage: interview with Yuliia Kyrpa, Board member of the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine (RD4U) - the representative of Ukraine in the Board of the Register of Damage. The interview will be conducted by Olena Perepelynska, President of UAA, Partner of INTEGRITES.

UAA & UNBA & ArbCEE joint event on Ukraine as a seat of arbitration during the wartime

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with Ukrainian National Bar Association and ArbCEE are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the joint event on Ukraine as a seat of arbitration during the wartime.


Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to be a supporting organization of the forthcoming "GIAC Arbitration Days 2024" scheduled to take place in Tbilisi, Georgia on 10-11 October 2024.


Ukrainian Arbitration Association is happy to support the annual XIth INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION READINGS IN MEMORY OF ACADEMICIAN IGOR POBIRCHENKO organized by the International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) on 11 October 2024.

Vilnius Arbitration Day 2024

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is delighted to be a supporting organization for the approaching Vilnius Arbitration Day 2024, scheduled for 13 September 2024.

II Arbitration School

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with ELSA Ukraine and ELSA Kyiv invite you to participate in II Arbitration School.

Enforcement and recovery of damages arising out of the Russia’s war on Ukraine

Paris Arbitration Week event "Enforcement and recovery of damages arising out of the Russia’s war on Ukraine", co-hosted by Clifford Chance and the Ukrainian Arbitration Association

Joint event on Energy Construction Disputes: How to Avoid or Resolve them Efficiently

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with ICC Ukraine conducted the joint event on Energy Construction Disputes: How to Avoid or Resolve them Efficiently.

UAA & ICC Ukraine event on Compensation of war damage through confiscation of the Russian companies’ frozen assets

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with ICC Ukraine are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the joint event on Compensation of war damage through confiscation of the Russian companies’ frozen assets.

International Conference KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2023: think big!

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with Ukrainian Bar Association invite you to the International Conference KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2023: think big! taking place online on December 08, 2023.

UAA & ASA Webinar 'Enforcement of Ukrainian Judgments in Switzerland'

Ukrainian Arbiration Association together with Swiss Arbitration Association are pleased to invite you to join our webinar on the topic “Enforcement of Ukrainian Judgments in Switzerland”.

Join the Хth International Arbitration Readings on 15 November 2023

On 15 November 2023 the International Arbitration Readings will take place. The Readings are dedicated to the 100th birthday anniversary of Academician Igor Pobirchenko, the founder of the Ukrainian arbitration, the first President of the ICAC and the UMAC.

UAA Arbitration Academy

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to invite Ukrainians to join its Arbitration Academy starting on 19 October 2023.

GIAC Arbitration Days 2023 in Tbilisi: Trends and Challenges

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to invite you to the special 10th edition of GIAC Arbitration Days 2023 in Tbilisi: Trends and Challenges to be held on 11-13 October, 2023.

UAA webinar “From freezing to seizing: legislative initiatives and hurdles in the US, EU, UK and Canada”

UAA is pleased to invite you to join our next webinar on the topic “From freezing to seizing: legislative initiatives and hurdles in the US, EU, UK and Canada”

UAA Webinar "Draft Bill for the Seizure of Russian State Assets in Support of Ukraine”

UAA invites you to join the webinar on "Draft Bill for the Seizure of Russian State Assets in Support of Ukraine”.

Round Table 'New services: the ICAC and the UMAC launch mediation and combined procedures'

We invite all representatives of the legal and business community to take part in the Round Table "New services: the ICAC and the UMAC launch mediation and combined procedures", organized by the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian CCI (ICAC).

Ukrainian Arbitration Association 10-year Anniversary Webinar

UAA is pleased to invite you to a webinar to celebrate our 10th anniversary. The participants will discuss the ups and downs of the development of arbitration in Ukraine as well as share their personal stories and achievements.

UAA webinar "French Supreme Court Decision on Oschadbank: What’s next?”

UAA invites you to watch the webinar "French Supreme Court Decision on Oschadbank: What’s next?”

International Conference KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2022 "After the war: the legal battles"

UAA is pleased to invite you to the International Conference KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2022: "After the war: the legal battles" taking place online on November 10-11.

Webinar 'Dispute resolution through arbitration and mediation: possibilities and experience of ICC'

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA), together with the Arbitration Commission of the ICC Ukraine and the Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution, which operates as part of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (UNBA), are pleased to invite you to the webinar "Dispute resolution through arbitration and mediation: possibilities and experience of the ICC" .

ІХ International Arbitration readings in memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko

Despite the martial law in Ukraine, the ICAC will traditionally host the ІХ International Arbitration readings in memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko, which will be held on 04 November 2022.

GIAC Arbitration Days 2022

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to invite you to the 9th annual GIAC Arbitration Days 2022 in Tbilisi on 12-13 October, 2022.

UAA webinar "Career during full-scale war: Ukrainian lawyers and overseas opportunities"

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to invite you to join our new Webinar "Career during full-scale war: Ukrainian lawyers and overseas opportunities".

UAA & ICC Ukraine Webinar on 'Third Party Funding in Arbitration: Classics and Innovation'

UAA together with ICC Ukraine are pleased to invite you to the new Webinar on “Third Party Funding in Arbitration: Classics and Innovation”.

11 Baltic Arbitration Days in Riga and Jurmala

Sunday, 12 June 14.00 – Monday 13 June 17.30. Pre-Conference get together: Saturday, 11 June 16.00.

Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions Conference in Warsaw

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to support Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions Conference in Warsaw, organized by ICC Polska, ICC International and GESSEL Attorneys-at-law.

UAA & ICC Ukraine webinar on 'Reparations or how to make Russia pay compensation to Ukraine'

UAA together with the ICC Ukraine conducted a webinar on 'Reparations or how to make Russia pay compensation to Ukraine'.

London International Disputes Week 2022

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to be information partner of the London International Disputes Week 2022 session on London as a dispute resolution hub for disputes involving parties from Ukraine and Kazakhstan: disputes in turbulent times.

ICC YAF event on assistance to Ukrainian Lawyers in difficult times

UAA is proud to support ICC YAF event on assistance to Ukrainian Lawyers in difficult times, on 14 April 2022.

Swedish Arbitration Days 2022

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is proud to be information partner of the Swedish Arbitration Days 2022, on the overarching theme Integrity in International Arbitration.

XV UAA Webinar "Art Disputes"

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to invite you to its XV Webinar "Art Disputes".

XIV UAA Webinar “Communication skills in arbitration: when, why and how?”

UAA invites you to our XIV Webinar “Communication skills in arbitration: when, why and how?”, which will take place on 1 December 2021, 10:30AM Kyiv time.

VIII International Arbitration Readings in memory of Academician I.G. Pobirchenko

Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites you to participate in the VIII International Arbitration Readings in memory of Academician I.G. Pobirchenko, organized by the ICAC.

Kyiv Arbitration Days 2021: Think Big!

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA) invite you to the International Conference "KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2021: Think Big!"

UzAW 2021

Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with the Organizing Committee of the Uzbek Arbitration Week (“UzAW”) and the Tashkent International Arbitration Centre (TIAC) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan are delighted to invite you to the inaugural UzAW 2021, which will take place in Tashkent, from the 6th -10th September 2021 in a hybrid format.

GAR Connect: Breaking In. How international arbitration becomes more diverse

UAA together with GAR are pleased to invite you to join a virtual event - GAR Connect: Breaking In “How international arbitration becomes more diverse"

UAA Annual Arbitration Conference

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is happy to announce its first UAA Annual Arbitration Conference!

CIS-related Disputes: Treaties, Sanctions, Compliance and Enforcement

On 25-26 May 2021, CIS Arbitration Forum will bring together leading practitioners, academics and arbitrators to discuss some of the most challenging problems of which lawyers face in disputes related to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries of the CIS region.

UAA Round Table: Building a Career in International Arbitration

Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites students and young lawyers to its second Round Table devoted to the topic of Building a Career in International Arbitration.

English Law Day: Ukraine 2021

Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites you to join English Law Day Ukraine 2021!

UAA Webinar 'Career in International Arbitration - How to Succeed?'

UAA invites students and young lawyers to its webinar "Career in International Arbitration - How to Succeed?".

CIArb ADR World Tour. Eastern Europe and CIS: Recent Developments and Future Trends

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) presents an international regional series of webinars which highlight the unique importance and efficiency ADR plays in allowing the world’s economy to remain operative during times of great economic uncertainty. 

TIAC45 Launch Announcement

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is delighted to share with you the information about the official launch of TIAC45.

Interview with prominent arbitration practitioners

Ukrainian Arbitration Association is happy to announce the upcoming series of interviews with prominent arbitration practitioners.


Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more

