6th DIS Baltic Arbitration Days
Being one of the media partners of the event Ukrainian Arbitration Association is delighted to announce that registration for the 6th DIS Baltic Arbitration Days is now open. The conference will be held on 1-2 June 2017 in Riga, Latvia.
Commercial Arbitration involving States or State-owned Entities
Focus countries: Iran, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine
1-2 June, 2017
Riga, Latvia
Ever since 2012, the Baltic Regional Group of German Institution of Arbitration together with Riga Graduate School of Law have organized the annual DIS Baltic Arbitration Days conference, a world-class event gathering over one hundred arbitration experts from over 22 countries. Due to the elite character of the event, it is attended by dispute resolution practitioners, arbitrators, attorneys, academics, students and business executives from a plethora of countries.
The 6th annual conference will take place in Riga, Latvia from Thursday 1 to Friday 2 June 2017 on the premises of Riga Graduate School of Law. Considering the substantial variety of topics entailed under the ever-evolving area of arbitration, this year international experts will deliver lectures, country reports and will participate in discussion panels on specific issues in relation to the main topic of the conference - Commercial arbitration involving states or state-owned entities in Iran, Russian Federation, Turkey, and Ukraine. The programme of the event is attached.
Conference participants, in addition to discussions, will be offered a guided tour of Riga, a seaside dinner in Jurmala, as well as a festive offering a breathtaking sky view of Riga as a closing event. For accompanying spouses, a special program will provide visits to selected museums and architectural sights.
For Early Bird participation fees register until 25 April 2017.
To register for the conference please fill out the following form: https://goo.gl/forms/IdoHRdzqQALGtTWm1
and notify the organizer by e-mail at diana.dauksa@bnt.eu when the registration form has been
For additional information please visit the event’s website: www.balticarbitration.com
Or the event’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/BalticArbitrationDays