Damages workshop

We would like to invite you to a workshop on damages presented by forensic accountants Vikki Wall, Olesya Prantyuk and Oleg Grynyuk from Haberman Ilett (London) on Wednesday 26 June at Integrites offices, 1 Dobrovolchykh Batalioniv St., Kyiv.

The workshop will include three sessions:

  • Demystifying accounts, during which the experts would explain the basics of how they review and interpret accounts;
  • Damages for lawyers, during which the experts will talk about different damages theories, key concepts to think about while instructing an expert and available methodologies; and
  • Working with an expert, a conversation between a quantum expert Vikki Wall and the President of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association Olena Perepelynska about practicalities of working relationships between the legal team and experts, followed by a Q&A session.

The workshop is intended for any lawyers who work with experts and would like to expand their knowledge of quantum issues.

The working language of the first and second sessions of the workshop is Russian, and the third session will be held in English, and translated slides in Russian are available in hard copies.

The event will take place from 16.00 to 18.00 at Integrites.  Please mind that a number of available seats is limited.

Please, register HERE or write the message to info@arbitration.kiev.ua (stating the name of the event, name, surname and contact information).

Participation in the event is free of charge

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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