II Ukrainian essay competition in international commercial arbitration

Do not miss the opportunity to make yourself known as a promising specialist in the field of international arbitration among lawyers!

II Ukrainian essay competition in international commercial arbitration jointly organized by the Ukrainian Arbitration Association and Ukrainian Bar Association Students' League starts.

The topic for the contest works:

«Standard of proof in international arbitration».

Deadline for submission of essays: 15 December 2014 to 15 January 2015.

Please, send your works at the following address: arbitration@ligauba.org.ua

Essays should be submitted together with a participant application form.

Winners Awards:

I place - the participant who takes the first place according to the results of the competition gets a one-month paid internship at one of the leading Ukrainian/international law firm in the field of "Dispute Resolution" and also receives a cash prize in the amount of UAH 2,000 and the right to become a candidate member of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association without payment of the admission and annual fees.

II place - the participant who takes the second place according to the results of the competition gets a one-month non-paid internship at one of the leading Ukrainian/international law firm in the field of "Dispute Resolution" and also the receives a cash prize in the amount of UAH 1,000 and the right to become a candidate member of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association without payment of the admission and annual fees.

III place - the participant who takes third place in the competition gets international commercial arbitration literature and the right to become a candidate member of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association without payment of the admission and annual fees.

Essays will be estimated by the committee of NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association" representatives: Olga Vorozhbyt, Dispute Resolution Partner at Kyiv office of CMS Cameron McKenna law firm; Markian Malskyy, Partner at Arzinger law firm; Yaroslav Petrov, Counsel at Asters  law firm and Olena Perepelynska, Counsel at Sayenko Kharenko (Committee Chair).

Internship is provided by following law firms CMS Cameron McKenna, Arzinger, Sayenko Kharenko and Asters. Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm provides cash prizes. The international commercial arbitration literature is provided by Baker & McKenzie CIS Limited.

The best essays will be published on the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association" website.

The Provision of II Ukrainian essay competition in international commercial arbitration

Participant Application Form

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


Arb Acad
