Meeting of UAA Members for Discussion

Dear UAA Members! More than a year passed from the moment when changes in Ukrainian arbitration legislation came into force. Many of you had an opportunity to apply new rules in practice and to discover some of its possible imperfections or even gaps. Some of you, probably, already formed ideas on how to improve arbitration law in Ukraine and how to make this country a better seat for arbitration.

As you know, Ukrainian Arbitration Association has dedicated many efforts and years to improve the Ukrainian law in the field of international and domestic arbitration. It is important for its further development in Ukraine, formation of pro-arbitration court practice supporting these alternative methods of dispute resolution as well the creation of a positive image for Ukraine as an arbitration-friendly jurisdiction. With this aim, UAA had created Working Group I (the group, working on the improvement of arbitration legislation). Detailed information on stages and results of the Group work can be found here

It is important to mention that many changes developed by the Group and offered by the Association were included into the current Ukrainian Commercial and Civil Procedure Codes.

Therefore, we suggest continuing this activity.

We invite all of you to meet in order to discuss the results of the 2017 reform as well as the ways of further improvement of the Ukrainian Arbitration law. The meeting will be held on March 26th 2019 at 16:00 in the INTEGRITES office (1, Dobrovolchykh Batalioniv, Kyiv).


Olena Perepelynska

President of Ukrainian Arbitration Association

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more




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