Ukrainian Arbitration Association and UNBA signed a memorandum of cooperation

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association and the Ukrainian National Bar Association signed a memorandum of cooperation.

UNBA was represented by the Chairman of the Association Lidia Izovitova, from the Association the document was signed by the President of the UAA Olena Perepelynska.

The main purpose of the memorandum is cooperation in the development of arbitration in Ukraine and assistance in creating a positive image of Ukraine as a place of arbitration, namely: the formation of joint proposals to draft laws related to arbitration, joint events, exchange of information and ideas for development, joining efforts for wider use of arbitration in Ukraine and wide participation in international arbitration of Ukrainian lawyers.

The parties agreed to carry out joint activities to improve the current legislative framework and effective arbitration policy based on the principles of legality and the rule of law. Conduct consultations in order to develop an agreed position on draft laws in matters related to arbitration, with the involvement of members of the UAA and specialists of the UNBA, in particular, the Committee on Alternative Settlement of Disputes.

In addition, the UAA and the UNBA agreed to exchange information on plans, projects and programs, they will conduct joint webinars, online speeches, conferences, seminars, round tables and other public events.



Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


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