Current Professional Position: Head of the Legal Department, Member of the Executive Management of the Group at Etihad Rail

Nationality: Ukrainian

Residence: United Arab Emirates

Bar admission: Ukraine


  • University of Wollongong, Australia (MBA in Business Administration) 
  • Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine (LL.B., LL.M. in Law)

Legal Background: civil law, international law

Professional affiliation/membership :Member of the IBA Arbitration Committee In-House Working Group


Native: Ukrainian

Sufficient to conduct proceedings and draft an award: English, Russian

Fields of specialisation: Construction, Energy, International Trade, Investment Arbitration, M&A and Corporate Disputes, Real estate, Transport & Infrastructure

Arbitration experience: as arbitrator – 15, as counsel – 20

Under which arbitration rules: ICC, ICSID, DIAC, ad hoc

Членами Ассоциации могут быть физические дееспособные особы, которые имеют высшее юридическое образование, являются специалистами в области международного коммерческого арбитража или имеют профессиональный интерес к практике международного арбитража и разделяют цель и задания деятельности Ассоциации.Детальней

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